About Us

Why Brawny Began:

After seeing how this economy has ruined a lot of lives, we clashed heads to get together to create something where the customer saves money at the same time they get a high end product.We saw other companies taking advantage with their greed and we decided to act on this misfortune.


Whilst coming up with our plan, we made sure that our main priority is making sure the customer gets to save money whilst also allowing them to look after themselves.For so long Big corporations have been ripping people off with their cheap antics and distasteful code of ethics.

We at Brawny saw this and decided to act


Luxury men’s fragrances and grooming products on the market simply didn’t justify the prices charged. Too often, brands use flimsy, inexpensive packaging and cheap ingredients such as gelatines and animal fats.


We at Brawny don't believe in customers, we believe in a community.


Welcome to the Brawny Family